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The following services are available to you. Click for more information.

How can I help you?
When I finished my Naturopathy Diploma at the end of 1995, I was ready to take on the world and fix everybody!…. with Herbal Medicine, Celloid Minerals, Multivitamins and my Iris torch!!! Looking back, treatments, supplements and testing were so limited but I still managed to get great results with my clients! Fast forward to now and I’m happy to say that the industry of Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Pathology and Medical Research has developed exponentially since then. There is now no excuse for guess work. Both Medical and Complementary Health Practitioners, and the general public have never had greater access to such quality information, research and testing. This leads to better outcomes for patients. It’s a great time to be in the Preventative Medicine and Healing Industry!
In my clinic, I use a variety of testing techniques to acquire as much information about your health as possible. I then recommend an easy to follow personalised treatment program including diet and lifestyle recommendations and natural medicines and supplements tailored to your specific needs. I definitely don’t prescribe “one size fits all coaching programs” I offer you continued support, motivation and guidance throughout your program.
Often, the cause of illness is not obvious, symptoms tell us that the body is out of balance. Symptoms are often just “the tip of the iceberg”, and the true cause of illness lays hidden and untreated. Specialised clinical testing techniques can reveal the true cause of your symptoms or illness. One of the great benefits of the Naturopathic approach, is that it can detect subtle imbalances in your health, BEFORE they become more serious and more difficult to treat.
Available Services
Diet &

The best way to cure lifestyle related disease is to do all we can to prevent it. However, it’s not too late to make some healthy changes! Lifestyle Diseases respond very well to positive lifestyle changes.
Naturopathy is preventative medicine. The whole aim and approach of Naturopathy is to prevent illness and to restore balance and wellbeing when things go wrong.
Many studies on Disease Prevention and Longevity identify that diet and lifestyle are major players that decide a person’s health status.
I’ll give you simple and easy to follow guidelines and motivation to help you to live well and add happy, healthy years to your life!
“New research shows that a significant proportion of non-communicable disease, disability and death in Australia is due to poor lifestyle choices.One third of disability and death in Australia is attributable to leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health recently published a paper, ‘The health burden of preventable disease in Australia: A systematic review’ based on 11 studies conducted to obtain data on lifestyle-related risk factors.
Data was extracted based on proportion of deaths, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life years. While the methods used to estimate these areas varied significantly between the 11 studies, all found that a considerable proportion – one third – of disability and death is attributable to preventable lifestyle-related risk factors.
Prioritised risk factors include alcohol and tobacco use, high body mass index (BMI), unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.
Estimates of disability-adjusted life years attributable to each prioritised risk factor:
Unhealthy diet – 7.2–9.7%
Tobacco – 7.9–9%
Alcohol – 5.1–12.2%
High BMI – 5.5–8.3%
Physical inactivity – 1.2–5.5%
An unhealthy diet accounted for the greatest number of preventable deaths per year (27,500), while tobacco use and high BMI were both associated with at least 17,000 deaths per year. The data revealed that lifestyle-related risk factors are highly prevalent in Australia, with 12% of the population using tobacco daily, 15% engaging in risky consumption of alcohol (more than 10 standard drinks during a single drinking episode), 52% of adults not doing enough physical activity, and 95% not consuming the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables. Lifestyle-related risk factors place burden not only on the individual – attributing to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer – but also on the health system, according to the researchers. ’The consequences of chronic disease caused by these risk factors extends beyond the health of the individual to the costs of disease management incurred by the healthcare system ... and productivity impacts to businesses and households through reduced workplace productivity, home‐based production and lost leisure time,’ the paper states. The study results aim to promote management of modifiable lifestyle-related risk factors, to provide opportunities to improve the health of the Australian population and reduce burden on the healthcare system”.
(From the RACGP website).
So the science is in!

I utilise many different tests but I’d have to say that Iridology provides the quickest and most mind blowing insight into what makes you uniquely you!
The Iris reveals information about possible genetic risk factors, personality traits, how we respond to stress, gut function and our overall potential for health and illness.
It’s like seeing your “Blueprint for Living”
The Iris is one of the most complex structures in the human body, and each Iris contains over 28,000 nerve endings. The Iris has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue in the body through the nervous system. Many iridologists believe that disruptions in these connections are recorded in the Iris, and indicate potential health issues in the specific reflex area.
I use a specialised Canon EOS 1100D Iris camera, that takes highly detailed photos of your eyes. You get to see your own Iris with all its intricacies on the screen during your consultation. You will receive a detailed report and analysis explaining all of the signs in your Iris, what they mean and how they can impact your health. I’ve had the absolute privilege to study with world famous Iridologists Toni Miller and Dorothy Hall.
Live Blood Screening

This is a quick and easy in clinic test. A couple of drops of blood is all that’s required to check your blood under the Microscope. You get to see your individual blood cells magnified 400x
Issues that can be indicated are Allergy, Autoimmunity, Leaky and Inflamed Gut, Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, Liver Stress, General Inflammation, B12, B6, Folate, Omega 3 and Iron Deficiencies, Viral and Bacterial Infection and Cholesterol.
Every Consultation includes Live Blood Screening. It’s a great way to check your progress over time. Clients are amazed at how quickly dietary and Lifestyle improvements can impact their Blood Screening Results!
Functional Pathology

There are literally hundreds of Functional Pathology Tests available. All are available through my clinic. I recommend Nutripath Pathology, Interclinical Labs and Australian Biologics.
Sample Reports available on request.
I encourage my clients to undertake testing wherever possible. Especially if they are suffering from Stress, Low Mood, Anxiety, Exhaustion, IBS, Bloating, Gas, Constipation, Diarrhea, Insomnia, Skin disorders like Eczema and Acne, Hormonal Imbalances, PMS and Perimenopause, Heavy Metal Exposure and Nutritional Deficiencies.
Depending on the client’s presenting history and symptoms, (particularly if there is IBS, bloating, abdominal pain and gas) I often recommend either Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA), Microbiome Mapping, Food Sensitivity Testing or a SIBO Breath Test.
Microbiome Mapping
In the last few decades, DNA analysis has transformed the field of microbiology and gut health testing. The Human Microbiome Project and research around the globe have characterized the GI microbiome. More than ever before, we are keenly aware of the health benefits and disease risks brought about by the microorganisms that inhabit the GI tract.
The Complete Microbiome Mapping Test was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that cause disease or that disrupt normal microbial balance and contribute to perturbations in the GI flora and contribute to illness.
The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune and digestive markers. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Common Conditions:
Abdominal cramps or pain
leaky gut symptoms
CDSA, Complete Digestive Stool Analysis
The CDSA level 4+ is a useful and comprehensive stool assessment. It encompasses all CDSA markers and enables the assessment for digestive, absorption, metabolic, inflammation and tumour ulcer markers. The CDSA 4+ is the most popular test as it serves as a useful clinical tool by taking a comprehensive look at the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
This gastrointestinal stool analysis profile is recommended for patients with diffuse and non-specific GI-related symptoms such as IBS, indigestion, dysbiosis, constipation, and diarrhoea. The CDSA 4+ includes sensitivity testing meaning that when colonising bacteria or mycoses/yeasts are detected, they are tested against a panel of natural anti-microbial and prescription anti-fungal agents to assist the practitioner in selecting what treatment will be most effective for the patient. It is recommended to add a DNA Multiplex PCR (2002) test to any CDSA level if you suspect parasites.
SIBO Breath Test
This simple, non–invasive, gastrointestinal test detects bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, often referred to as BOSI or SIBO. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that often underlies chronic gastrointestinal symptoms of maldigestion and malabsorption, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, irregularity, and abdominal pain
Bacterial concentrations in the small intestine are normally kept to a minimum. When excessive, the delicate mucosal lining is disrupted, including the microvilli that facilitate absorption. As a result, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (BOSI) can inhibit nutrient absorption and lead to the following serious health problems.
How you can assist once you have a test report for SIBO?
Once bacterial overgrowth has been detected, intervention strategies involving diet, digestive support, probiotics and antimicrobials can be used to treat the condition. Successful eradication of BOSI has been shown to reduce bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain in patients more effectively than many other treatments for IBS. Bacterial overgrowth may manifest silently, without overt clinical signs. Patients without clear symptoms of gastrointestinal distress may benefit from testing, especially those with a history of chronic constipation, hypochlorhydria (including use of acid-blocking drugs), or maldigestion.
Common Conditions:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Unexplained abdominal symptoms
Gas and bloating
The inability to tolerate sweet or starchy foods, fibre, or friendly flora supplements
Organic Acids
The Organic Acids Metabolomic Profile is a nutritional test providing insights into organic acids and a view into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Additionally, children’s reference ranges are designed to provide more accurate paediatric nutritional evaluations. Identifying metabolic blocks that can be treated nutritionally allows individual tailoring of interventions that maximise patient responses and lead to improved patient outcomes.
The Organic Acids Metabolomic profile provides vital patient information from a single urine specimen. This organic acids nutritional test is valuable for determining:
Functional vitamin and mineral status
Amino acid insufficiencies like carnitine and NAC
Oxidative damage and antioxidant need
Phase I & Phase II detoxification capacity
Functional B-complex vitamin needs
Neurotransmitter metabolites
Mitochondrial energy production
Methylation sufficiency
Lipoic acid and CoQ10 status
Markers for bacterial and yeast overgrowth
Oxalate markers
Nutritional markers
Food Sensitivities
There are several types of immunoglublins that are made in the body. It is important to understand the differences between IgE, IgA and IgG immunoglobulins and when to test for each of them. Immunoglobulins are a class of proteins which function as antibodies produced by the immune system in response to foreign antibodies such as food antigens.
An IgE reaction occurs about the time immediately after exposure to the allergen; food or inhalant. This type of reaction is referred to as a Type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction or in some cases anaphylaxis.
An IgG reaction can occur hours to days after exposure to the allergen; food or inhalant. This type of reaction is referred to as a delayed sensitivity reaction.
The IgG & IgE western food panel is a useful test in assessing both immediate and delayed reactions of 96 general western foods. This type of testing is useful as it eliminates the broad process of ‘trial and error of eliminating offending foods’ and provides a detailed report for identifying offending foods and a rotation diet based on the test results. All antigen tests through NutriPATH are ran in duplicates to ensure accurate and meaningful results are provided to the patient for optimal health.
Common Conditions:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leaky gut
Abdominal bloating
Fluid retention
Mood disorders
Skin conditions
Abdominal cramping
Skin rashes
Thyroid abnormalities are one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting millions worldwide. Thyroid hormones are well known for their role in basal metabolic rate, development and growth. Hypothyroidism affects approximately 4-5% of the population whilst estimates for hyperthyroidism are 0.4-2%.
Thyroid abnormalities has become a quiet epidemic worldwide. The thyroid has just one job, however, it is one of the most important jobs for the body to function properly. The thyroid makes hormones that regulate the energy level, growth, and reproduction of every cell of your body. That means your brain, heart, lungs, liver, skin, tissues and other body parts depend on your thyroid to stay “powered up” and active, and to remain healthy by generating new cells to replace old ones.
The thyroid profile extensive is a hormone test designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of thyroid hormone metabolism. It includes central thyroid gland regulation and activity, thyroid production and secretion, peripheral thyroid conversion, and thyroid autoimmunity. The Extensive thyroid panel allows the practitioner to pinpoint common imbalances that may be causing chronic illnesses. The comprehensive panel measures levels of TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, anti-TG antibodies, and anti-TPO antibodies to assess central and peripheral thyroid function, as well as thyroid auto-immunity.
Adrenocortex Stress and Female Hormone Profile
Hormones are crucial to a woman’s reproductive health. The main hormones affecting the menstrual cycle and fertility are produced by glands in the brain and by the ovaries. Those hormones regulate menstruation, fertility and sex drive (libido) – any one of which can be adversely affected if the production of these hormones goes out of balance. As most women approach mid-life, hormonal changes gradually cause reproductive organs to shut down eventually leading to menopause.
1005: Hormones are tremendously complex and during the pre-menopausal years, imbalanced hormones can pose challenges with mood stabilisation, conception and regulation of your menstrual cycle. The Female Hormone Profile provides valuable information on an individual’s hormonal status and the potential impact this may have on physical and emotional health.
Hormone-related symptoms can occur from the age of when a menstrual cycle commences. Generally, hormonal issues is usually not a clear-cut case of one hormone level being abnormal, or even one hormone system. In fact, because of the role that hormones play as chemical messengers to wake up the genome in specific target tissues throughout the body, it makes sense that all hormone systems work in concert with each other to maintain a state of balance.
Salivary hormone measurements provide an effective analyses of estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone in determining the need for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Hormone levels may be normal, indicating that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not needed.
1001: Each person has two adrenal glands both located on top of each of the body’s two kidneys. These glands are important to the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system. Adrenal fatigue is a very common condition in today’s society through the physical and physiological demands we put on our adrenal glands. Each gland is composed of two distinct zones, the large outer cortex and the inner medulla.
Salivary cortisol testing is an effective, non-invasive salivary hormone test that evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This hormone test (stress test) serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, dysglycemia, and a host of other clinical conditions that may affect our day to day lives. This hormone test examines 4 saliva samples over a 12-hour period for levels of cortisol and DHEA. The Adrenocortex test should be used as a general screening test as it plays such an important role for a healthy life.
Common Conditions:
Weight gain
Night sweats
Irregular menstruation
Mood changes
Brain fog
Vaginal dryness
Bone loss
Dry skin
Disturbed sleep patterns
Low libido
Symptoms of menopause
Adrenocortex Stress and Male Hormone Profile
Each person has two adrenal glands both located on top of each of the body’s two kidneys. These glands are important to the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system. Adrenal fatigue is a very common condition in today’s society through the physical and physiological demands we put on our adrenal glands. Each gland is composed of two distinct zones, the large outer cortex and the inner medulla.
Salivary cortisol testing is an effective, non-invasive test that evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This hormone test (stress test) serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, dysglycemia, and a host of other clinical conditions that may affect our day to day lives. This hormone test examines 4 saliva samples over a 12-hour period for levels of cortisol and DHEA. The Adrenocortex test should be used as a general screening test as it plays such an important role for a healthy life.
In combination to this test, the basic male hormone profile has been added as it is a unique and accurate analysis for the measurement of male hormones. As the body ages it is evident that particular hormones decline or fluctuate causing a variety of health conditions. This complete unique profile will provide valuable information on an individual’s hormonal and adrenal status.
Common Conditions:
Poor concentration, ‘brain fog’
Energy levels
Fatigue, lethargy
Salt cravings
Mild depression
Lack of stamina
Sexual dysfunction
Irregular sleeping patterns
Thyroid dysfunction
Blood Pressure
Impaired Immune System
Hair Tissue Analysis

Hair metal and mineral analysis measures nutrient and toxic metal content of hair. As the constituents of the hair are determined by the entry of substances from external sources and from substances that enter it from the blood stream, hair makes an ideal medium for analysis.
Hair can contain minerals and metals and can accumulate over long periods of time. A wide range of metals and minerals can be measured in one sample to provide status of cellular activity and nutrient metabolism. Every physiological function in the body is catalysed by minerals.
Since the structure of hair remains unchanged, the minerals are fixed in the hair and levels in hair do not significantly change once that portion of hair has grown. The analysis accurately provides concentrations of minerals that have accumulated in the hair tissue over the hair growth period, approximately one to three months.
Heavy metal toxicity can be caused by exposure to pollution, chemicals and poisons. It is a growing threat to the population as metals deposit in body tissues leading to significant developmental and neurological damage. Heavy metal toxicities can also lead to numerous health conditions including those affecting the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, muscle, skeletal, skin and nervous systems.
Common Conditions:
Cardiovascular disease
Immune dysfunction
Muscular skeletal conditions
Metabolic syndrome
Skin conditions
Immune and inflammatory condition
Mental health disorders